Monday, June 6, 2011

Be Strong ring and reflections...

Good morning!

The first part of this post is a little past due, but I believe you will enjoy it nonetheless.  For those of you who aren't aware of it, SEE Pink has a symbol of strength that we call the "Be Strong" ring.  There is a post from 2009 that goes into depth, so I won't do that here.  Suffice it to say that this beautiful pink ring is presented to someone who needs to feel strength from as many sources as possible.  Our ring symbolizes the ladies who have gone before us and showed great strength in adversity.  So, we present it to someone who wears it for as long as they need it.  Once they feel strengthened and empowered enough they send it back and it is presented to the next lady in need.

Well, the "Be Strong" ring has made its way to Arkansas!  Yep, it has crossed state lines and it brought a huge smile to the recipient's face!  My dear friend, Cyleste, asked if I minded sending it to her Aunt who was beginning a battle with cancer.  Hers isn't breast cancer, but it is cancer and that, my friends, binds us ALL together as one to fight!!!  So, it and some other goodies took a trip via the USPS to Arkansas.  It is my hope and prayer that it does its job, and when needed longer, makes its way back home to strengthen another.  I will keep you posted on its journey!

This morning I woke with a renewed strength of my own and quite a bit of determination!  This year marks 3 years of several "firsts" for me.  As I gathered my energy to begin a new phase (exercise!) in my life I started thinking about so many things.  Three years ago at this time Woody and I, along with many friends, were trying to find a way to deal with the loss of a dear friend who was killed in action in Iraq.  Jason's smile is automatically the first thing that comes to my mind when I think of him, which is often.  I believe the memory of that smile will carry me through some tough days of exercise ahead.  This September through December carries the first of everything (except radiation...that came in January!) breast cancer related.  From diagnosis to treatment to the end of chemo.  I don't hate that I had cancer because I have so many new friendships that mean so much to me that never would have occurred without it.  What I hate is the cancer and how my body changed because of it during and after treatment.  I gained a lot of weight!  A lot was because of the treatments and medicines needed to kick the cancer's butt, however, another reason was totally self-inflicted.  There were many times I would say to myself or out loud, "I deserve that ice cream/chocolate/whatever because I've got cancer"!  Well, it may have tasted good at the time, but now it is very bitter indeed!  So, it is with an enormous amount of determination, hope, prayer, sweat, and I'm sure tears, that I put myself out there to finally get healthy!  I must get healthy so that I can enjoy my life with my precious husband, Woody.  So that I can spoil my great niece, Riley, and all the other "babies" in my life!  So that I can be a better example to anyone that I know and meet.  Wish me luck and please say a prayer now and again!  I will keep you posted on my progress.

I know this turned out to be more of a "Lynne" blog post than a SEE Pink, but I felt like I needed to get that out this morning!  I will post again soon with updates on SEE Pink!

Lots of Love and Blessings,


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