Sunday, December 27, 2009

Catching up!

Shame on Kelly and me!!!

Sorry it has been so very long since our last post! There has been so much going on in both of our worlds and we have neglected you all. We hope that you will continue to follow us through 2010 and beyond...we promise it will be better!

A quick update...Kelly finished her treatments and now has quite the cute hairstyle!! She actually has to use product to keep it from looking like "bed head"!! Her fall has been tough. Chloe, her 3 year old, was hospitalized over Thanksgiving due to complications with asmtha and pnuemonia. She is better, but still has some pnuemonia in her little lung. Brody, her 1 year old, has been battling ear infections! He is currently on meds to rid himself of a double infection. Please keep them in your prayers!

As you can see, she has had her plate full, so I won't bust her too bad for not posting on this blog too!!

As for me, I have no excuse really. I'm just terrible about posting. I will go through spurts where I post constantly and then nothing at all. My goal is to change that in 2010!!!

We had a great meeting December. It was actually a fun pot luck dinner!! Our member Lorrie and her family came and it was great seeing her. She has one more chemo in January and she is done with that part. Her two girls are going to come over and we are going to bake her a couple of cakes. Aubrey, her 6 year old, said she wanted to bake her a "cancer cake"!! I'm sure Markie, her 14 year old, has some great ideas for her cake too. It should be fun and messy!!

We also had our support team there as well. Destiny and her husband, Larry, joined us. Destiny is my BFF that was right there by my side throughout my treatments. I can't imagine what Woody and I would have done without her by our side. She has so graciously offered to be there for S.E.E. Pink and we couldn't be more excited about her contribution. She will be invaluable to our group.

Michelle was there as well. She may not realize what she has gotten into, but I'm sure she will in January when we enlighten her!!! She is a wonderful young woman with a lot of compassion. I know that she will have a big impact on the kids of our members. I believe her work with the youth from our church will help her relate to our "S.E.E. Pink kids". Thanks Michelle!

We welcomed Emily and her son, Lee, in December. I met Emily at radiation in March. She finished her treatment after me, but you can't believe how fast her hair has grown back!!! She makes me look like I'm bald again...oh, and did I mention that she has the curls I had hoped to have?...I digress! Her son, Lee, is just precious. We really enjoyed having him there and I believe he had a good time too.

We missed Miss Freda, but we'll surely see her in January!

I will close for now. Please stay tuned in 2010. We hope to have an actual website, non-profit status, and many more things in the coming year.

God Bless and Happy New Year!
