Friday, April 16, 2010

Wow - 2 Months! (part 2)

See, there was so much to update that I decided to break it up into 2 seperate posts. So, moving right along to April...
This month we were priveleleged to have a psychiatric nurse practitioner, Mary, come to talk to our group. She spoke about the normal feelings that are associated with cancer diagnoses, how it affects our husbands, friends, and children, and gave us some helpful tips in regards to dealing with these vast range of emotions.
For me personally, I was relieved to know that being so open with my 3 year old about what was going on was the RIGHT thing to do. My hubs and I wondered for a while if we had made a mistake because she would constantly ask if I was going to chemo, if my arm was still hurting (from the mastectomy and node removal surgery), and if my cancer was all gone. Then she would start crying when I went to the doctor because she was scared that I would have to stay and wouldn't be back home. We really thought we had possibly made a huge mistake by being open with her about it.

Mary has an office and sees her own patients here in Clarksville. She is able to prescribe medicines if she thinks it is necessary and is able to provide counseling in her office. What a valuable resource to have! If any of you want her information, email us at

Also in April, we welcomed 2 more new women to the group. And to my surprise, one of them I had met in chemo down at Vandy when we were both bald as could be. AWESOME!!! We are so blessed to have these girls in our group.

So next week (April 22) we were going to have our Wig Out night at Ingredients. A chef was going to prepare several different "cancer friendly" dishes for us to try after the store closed and allow our group and our friends to experience this privately. Unfortunately, we have to change this outing to May because the guy scheduled to do it is having surgery that day. Be in prayer for him! We will be doing it in May though Lord willing so keep that in the back of your mind. in prayer for the staff at The Looking Glass because we will be going back there again next week instead. Ha!! This time I will get to go and am so pumped about that.

I think that is all for now. Much love to the the "groupies!" See you all next Thursday night.

Wow - 2 Months! (part 1)

Seriously??? Seriously??? It has been 2 months since we've updated. Where has the time gone? So, let me just hop right to it since I have 2 months worth of things to catch up on.
In March, we had a FANTASTIC meeting. Kelly Boyd, a physical therapist at High Pointe Rehab, came to talk to the group about the importance of exercise in regards to breast cancer and mobility after the surgeries that we endure. She answered the million questions that we all had and even spent some one on one time with the girls. We showed scars, practiced some mobility exercises, and laughed more than you can imagine. It was a blast! A huge thank you goes to Kelly for coming to our meeting and sharing all of the information with us.
Also in March, we welcomed several new girls to the group. I was thrilled to death to meet these ladies and even more excited that they enjoyed themselves.
And finally, the last meeting in March was our "Wig Out" night. The girls all met at The Looking Glass for dinner, wine, and laughs. I was unable to be there (cause I was in Florida with the fam!!!) but they called me and totally had me wishing I was there with them. They were cutting up and having a big ol' time. Totally hated to miss that party.